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Nikolai Rimski-Korsakoff (1844–1908), The flight of the bumblebee

Helene Schulthess, Querflöte, Hummelflug

Nikolai Rimski-Korsakoff (1844 ‑ 1908)
The flight of the bumblebeee

Nikolai Rimski-Korsakoff (1844 ‑ 1908)
The flight of the bumblebee

The Flight of the Bumblebee is an intermezzo from the third act of the opera The Tale of Tsar Saltan. In this opera, rarely performed in the West, based on a fairy tale by Alexander Pushkin, the enchanted Prince Gwidon, transformed into a bumblebee, silences two evil sisters with deliberate stabs.

This recording was made during a rehearsal.

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