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The Guggisberg song, Theme and Variations for flute solo

Helene Schulthess, Querflöte, Guggisberglied

The Guggisberg song
Theme and Variations for flute solo

The Guggisberg song
Theme und Variations for flute solo

The song of Vreneli ab em Guggisberg is probably the oldest known Swiss folk song. It was first mentioned in 1741 and the oldest surviving version of the text dates from 1764.

The simple, solemn melody has its origins in the Protestant chorales of the 16th century. It was first printed in 1818 in Gottlieb Jakob Kuhn's collection Schweizerischer Kuhreihen. The Guggisberglied is one of the very rare Swiss folk songs in a minor key.

The content and melody of the song are very emotional. According to various sources, in the old days, singing the song in Swiss regiments in foreign military service was punishable by death, as it promoted homesickness, formerly known as ‘Swiss sickness’.

Source: Wikipedia 

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