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Josef Haydn (1732 – 1809) arranged Trios

Helene Schulthess, Querflöte, Joseph Haydn

Joseph Haydn (1732 – 1809)
Trios for three flutes

Joseph Haydn (1732 – 1809)
Trios for three flutes

Joseph Haydn wrote 126 trios for baryton, viola and violoncello. At that time the baryton was the favorite instrument of Prince Esterházy, in whose service Haydn was. The prince wanted to build up a repertoire and commissioned these trios from Haydn.
This is an arrangement for three flutes.

Sheet music as PDF file: CHF 15  Send by email.
Printed sheet music is also sent for an additional fee.

Helene Schulthess, Querflöte, Joseph Haydn

The baryton  is a bowed string instrument similar to the viol, but distinguished by an extra set of plucked strings. It was in regular use in Europe until the end of the 18th century.

The baryton has always been a rare instrument, which became somewhat widespread in southern Germany and Austria at the end of the 18th century. The most prominent baryton player was Nicholas I Prince of Esterházy (1714-1790), called the "Magnificent". According to his employment contract, the prince regularly demanded compositions "for the gamba" from Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), who had been in his service since 1761. Haydn wrote a total of 175 works with baryton, including 126 trios for baryton, viola, and cello.

Source: Wikipedia

Helene Schulthess, Querflöte, Joseph Haydn
Helene Schulthess, Querflöte, Joseph Haydn
Helene Schulthess, Querflöte, Joseph Haydn

Currently available:

Trio in C major, Hob. XI, Nr. 82
Trio in F major, Hob. XI, Nr. 1
Trio in G major, Hob. XI, Nr. 116

Arrangements for wind and string trio

Also available are the scores for flute, oboe and clarinet as well as violin, viola and violoncello

Helene Schulthess, Querflöte, Streichtrios
Helene Schulthess, Querflöte, Bläsertrio

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