21 Christmas songs for two flutes
21 Christmas songs for two flutes
Known and unknown Christmas songs as flute duets
The duos as PDF file CHF 15 Order and shipping by Email.
(Printed sheet music can also be shipped for an additional charge).
From the content:
O du fröhliche
Stille Nacht
Still, still, still
Dormi, dormi bel bambin
Flumser Weihnachtslied
O laufet ihr Hirten
Kling, Glöckchen klingelingeling
Child in the manger
Jingle bells
Grünet Felder, grünet Wiesen
Alle Jahre wieder
Was soll das bedeuten
Ej, lasko, lasko
Freu' dich, Erd und Sternenzelt
Kommet ihr Hirten
Wachet auf, Menschenkinder
O Tannenbaum
Tochter Zion
Gloria in Excelsis Deo
Rudolph, the red-nosed Reindeer
4 Weihnachtskanone